Software Developer with more than 10 years of experience in mainly Enterprise Level Web Applications, former Team Lead and Instructor.

Currently working as Software Engineer at a large company. I am always happy to connect with like minded people, so if you want to nerd out a bit, or have ideas for cool open source side projects just send me an email or a message on social media.

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Latest Projects

Latest Work

Microfrontends with Webpack Module Federation

Web Development
A microfrontend web application that combines separate React.Js and Vue applications in one frontend with the help of Webpack Module Federation.
Test and Deployment on github with github actions and hosted on aws CloudFront.
Read more Chat in JavaScript, Web App withnode.js and express, messages via

Latest Work - Website, Mailserver and Hosting

Web Development
A complete Web Site Project for a german site.
Included branding, conception, development and deployment.
Installation and configuration of a vps, webserver, nginx proxy, and postfix mailserver with spam assassin. Secure Server access via ssh and iptables configuration.
Read more Chat in JavaScript, Web App withnode.js and express, messages via
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What I Do

Web Development

I develop web applications with modern web technologies such as React.Js, Vue, node.js, express.js, webpack but I am also long enough in the game to know to focus on long term trends over just running after the next hype.

Bug Hunting

Secure Code and finding Security Flaws in Web Applications are my passion.
Secure Code or Security Flaws, I don’t discriminate. I love all code. But I am quite good at finding security bugs in applications and I can help you with securing your web application by trying to find those bugs.

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